Welcome to the Elliptical Review Guru website. I created this site way back in 2012 to give consumers all of the information they need to choose the perfect elliptical for their home. Over the past 10+ years I’ve researched the industry thoroughly and tested out hundreds of machines. I hope that sharing my experience and knowledge will help you to make a more informed decision about which elliptical trainer you should buy.

If you have any questions, please contact me or look me up on any of my social media profiles.

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I try to personally use and review as many elliptical trainers as I can so I can provide you with the most detailed reviews from a user prospective. I have first hand experience with ellipticals from NordicTrack, ProForm, Bowflex, Sole & Horizon.

These manufacturers all send me machines to test out and my reviews are based on those experiences.

Other brands like Life Fitness, Matrix, Precor, TRUE and others I try out at my health club and at various gym equipment stores like Gym Source and Johnson Fitness & Wellness.

Whenever you see a “Test Drive” on a review, that means I or one of my team members have actually used the elliptical.

I also like to include user reviews as well. We get a lot of feedback from our visitors, and I try to incorporate that into the reviews as well, especially if it’s a newer model that I have not yet tried. So you’ll see some visitor feedback as well.

So all of the reviews you find on our site are a compilation of my own, other users and sometimes other expert takes on each elliptical machine. This will help you make a much more informed decision when it comes to choosing an elliptical for your home.

Here are some good starting points for you:

1. The Best Ellipticals In Every Price Range – here you can search through our top picks within every price range from under $400 to $4000 and up. Of course you don’t have to spend nearly that much to get a high quality machine, but we give you all of your options just in case you’re looking for more of a commercial machine.

2.Where Should I Buy? – Here we break down the best places to buy your new or used elliptical trainer. Find the biggest selections at the best possible prices.

Those two sections should help you narrow down your choices to a few ellipticals. You can also browse through our different elliptical brand reviews to see which one appeals to you most. You’ll find most of the brands we cover on the right of this page. If you don’t see what you are looking for just use the search box.

Again, if you need any help narrowing your choices or have any questions about buying elliptical machines, please feel free to contact us at any time. We’re happy to help!