The Bodyguard E230X Elliptical Review – Best Buy Elliptical Under $2500

I’ve been writing a lot about lower priced ellipticals lately, so I thought I’d take a break and move up to some mid-range ellipticals instead. Although, when talking about the Bodyguard E230x elliptical “mid-range” probably isn’t the best of descriptions. I’ve compared ellipticals and treadmills to everything from Lexus and BMW to Volkswagon and Pacers. I’d compare the Bodyguard E230X to my brand new Ford F250. You see, it’s solid, it’s heavy duty, but it’s also got the most comfortable pedals on the market and it has a very smooth ride. This thing is incredible.

Let’s talk a bit about Bodyguard. They are a Canadian company (something we shouldn’t hold against them) and have been producing some of the finest fitness equipment on the market since the late 60s. In the past they’ve been best known for their amazing treadmills, but this year they’ve come up with a pair of incredible ellipticals as well. When we were shown the Bodyguard E230X at the Health & Fitness Expo in Denver this year I couldn’t wait to sit down and do a full review on one of these bad boys.

I could go on and on about all the features that come packed into the Bodyguard E230x – the Heart Rate Training Zone, the Reverse Motion Detection System, the fantastic warranty, optional posture bar, ability to get the unit with either a 20.5″ stride or an 18.5″ one, the 15 programs, or any one of about 20 other great specs. But I’m not going to do that.

You see, when I got on the E230X all that matter to me was the comfort I felt during my workouts. Starting off with the pedals, the padding Bodyguard uses is incredible. It is a firm cushion that feels great during your workouts. We all know that ellipticals are nearly zero-impact workouts and cushioning isn’t a requirement, but when you want comfort to help keep your feet from getting sore or from falling asleep, then the Bodyguard E230x has the best solution. Top that off with the most natural feeling pedal spacing around (at just under 2″) and the sturdiest adjustable pedals around, and what you’ve got is not just the best buy elliptical for under $2500, but one of the best feeling ellipticals at any price. For use in the home, I would choose the E230X over just about any higher priced machine out there.

In addition to the comfortable pedals and near-perfect elliptical motion, weighing in at nearly 300 pounds, the Bodyguard E230x elliptical is one of the most solid machines around. I don’t care how close you are to the machine’s maximum user weight of 350 pounds, when you get on the E230x you’ll feel how heavy duty the elliptical is. And, more important, you won’t find any of the shakies or side-to-side rocking you often find in lesser ellipticals. Even the shroud, often made up of thinner plastic, is thick and will stand up to quite a bit of abuse.

A final, excellent bit is that the E230X elliptical comes almost fully assembled and is a breeze to put together. Bodyguard’s instruction manual makes assembley a task that takes under 30 minutes and causes little to no frustration for the non-mechanically minded of us.

UPDATE: We’ve gotten in a number of complaints from readers in regards to this machine. Problems in specific have been related to the handgrips on the unit being incredibly uncomfortable during workouts. A number of taller readers have also had issues with the placement of the handlebars in relation to their leg position during workouts. Because of these reason, we are downgrading this unit from a best buy.

For its current number of reader problems, the Bodyguard E230x has been downgraded to 3 out of 5 Golden Buddahs by the Treadmillsensei.

Recent reader complaint emails have dropped this unit to 3 gold buddahs.

Bodyguard E230X Elliptical Specifications
Stride: 20.5″ (can be shipped as 18.5″ if requested)
Flywheel: approximately 30lbs
Adjustable Footpedals: Yes
Display: LED
Programs: 15
Heart Rate Monitor: Yes
Heart Rate Control: Yes
Max User Weight: 350lbs.
Unit Weight: 280lbs
Price: Under $2200